Safety First.

We love to talk safety at IWE and we are committed to the safety of our clients and staff.

Guide rafting through big waves

River safety is a continuous commitment that puts the safety of clients and staff first. Our goal is to maintain a high standard of care and surpass the industry standard. We at IWE feel very confident our safety program.

Guides safety briefing before rafting trip

We look for the most qualified guides from across Canada and around the world and use a minimum of 2 guides per trip, no matter how many clients. Our guides do a thorough safety briefing so that you are informed and prepared.

We have high quality boats and many different styles, each specific to the changing water levels and number of people. We pride ourselves on using top quality equipment that will enhance your enjoyment and safety.

IWE has sound emergency procedures in place. We do everything we can to mitigate risk and to be prepared in the even of an incident. All trips have good communication with our base camp and shuttle bus. We carry radios, cell phones, and satellite phones. Each trip is equipped with an extensive first aid kit and all of our guides have a high level of wilderness first aid training.